How to Use Electro Newsletter

In this knowledge base article, you will learn how to set up the Newsletter section in all themes of SalesHunterThemes.

About Electro NewsletterClick to copy 2222

OverviewClick to copy 2222

Can I change the Electro Newsletter Background Image? Yes
Recommended Background Image Size? No, it’s up to you!

The Newsletter section is where you can set up to collect your customers email for email marketing campaign or subscriber campaign buy using customer form.

After a customer submits the form, their email address will be stored in the Customers area of the Shopify admin with Subscribed status.

Important: Each email address can be submitted once in this section.

Access Electro Newsletter TabClick to copy 2222

From any page, click on ‘Add Section’ on the Left Sidebar, then choose ‘Newsletter’

Configure Electro NewsletterClick to copy 2222

The Electro theme allows you to customize the Newsletter section with the following settings:

GeneralClick to copy 2222

In the General tab, you can set the overlay opacity for the section’s background image. The overlay opacity is the degree to which the image is obscured by the overlay. You can adjust the opacity from 0% to 90% by dragging the bar.

You can also select the color scheme for the section. There are two color schemes available: Scheme 1 and Scheme 2. The color scheme you select will be applied to the background overlay color and content text color. To change the settings of each color scheme, go to the Theme settings.

Electro theme also lets you independently add three kinds of details for this section: subheading, heading, and description. If you want to remove one of these items, you just need to delete content in the text box.

LayoutClick to copy 2222

In the Layout tab, you can choose the alignment of the section content, including the text and the customer form. By default, the Newsletter section supports two content alignment options: left and center.

ImageClick to copy 2222

The Image tab allows you to upload or select a background image for the Newsletter section. To add the background image, click the Select image button. This will open the media manager, where you can choose an image from your computer or from the media library. The recommended image size is 1600px x 800px in PNG format.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy 2222

What is a Newsletter?Click to copy 2222

A newsletter is a tool used by website owners, content creators or businesses to share relevant, valuable information and of course hot updates with their network of customers, investors and subscribers.

Can I edit the Electro Newsletter CTA Button?Click to copy 2222

No, you can’t do it by yourself. Please get in touch with the SalesHunterTeam by sending email to our mailbox at or by leaving a message on our “Contact Us” page to customize this item.

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