Electro Custom Liquid

About Custom Liquid SectionClick to copy 2222

For unavailable predefined sections, the Electro theme supports Electro Custom Liquid section where you can add Liquid code to create a personalized section on your store.

Access Electro Custom LiquidClick to copy 2222

To add a custom Liquid section to your page, follow these steps:

  1. In the Theme editor, click the Add section icon.
  2. Search for Custom Liquid.
  3. Click on the Custom Liquid section to add it to your page.

Configure Electro Custom LiquidClick to copy 2222

To add Liquid code in the Custom Liquid section, you can start customizing by clicking on the section.

Edit GeneralClick to copy 2222

Custom Liquid section follows general settings of the section, including setup for the Heading content, including subheading, heading, and description. You need to click on Custom Liquid to set up for this section, and if you want to remove any settings, just delete the content and give it a blank space.

By default, without custom code, the Custom Liquid section will show the section header only. To insert your custom code, you can add your custom code to the Liquid Code box. You can read more about Liquid code in this Shopify article.

Edit LayoutClick to copy 2222

There are 2 types of content alignment that you can set for the heading content:

  • Left

  •  Center.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy 2222

What is Electro Custom Liquid?Click to copy 2222

Liquid is the built-in Shopify code, as it is the simple, easy-to-use programming language, as you could use this code to display special contents in different Shopify Themes.

What is the difference between Electro Custom Liquid and Custom HTML?Click to copy 2222

Electro Custom Liquid is the best way to display Shopify code, as custom HTML is to present open-source HTML code. Check out how to create HTML code by w3schools

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