How to Modify Electro Product Detailed Specifications Settings

About Detailed Specifications SectionClick to copy 2222

The Electro Shopify theme allows you to add detailed product specifications to your products. This feature helps provide customers with more information about your products, such as dimensions, weight, materials, and other specifications.

How to Modify Electro Product Detailed Specifications Settings

Note: The specifications only show when the metafield namespaces and metafield key are filled.

To learn more about Metafields and how to use them in the Electro Theme, check this article.

For a visual guide, watch this video tutorial on using Product Metafields to show additional information in the Detailed Specifications section:

How To Access Details Specifications SectionClick to copy 2222

To access Product Detailed Specifications, go to Top Bar > Products > Default Products > Detailed Specification (Appears Under Product Sticky Bar).

Please note that you cannot edit this section, only hide or unhide it.

How to Modify Electro Product Detailed Specifications Settings

How To Configure Detailed Specifications SectionClick to copy 2222

Click on the section to access its settings.

How to Modify Electro Product Detailed Specifications Settings

The Detailed Specifications section settings include 3 main configurations: General, Layout, and Theme settings.

GeneralClick to copy 2222

In the General tab, you can choose the Color Scheme for the section text and background color. These schemes can be edited in Theme settings > Colors.

How to Modify Electro Product Detailed Specifications Settings

You can fill the Section Heading and Section Description manually or insert a dynamic source. If you don’t want to show one of these contents, just leave the placeholder blank.

How to Modify Electro Product Detailed Specifications Settings

For the Heading text, you can choose from sizes H2, H3, H4, and H5. These heading sizes are based on the Base text size set in Theme settings > Typography.

How to Modify Electro Product Detailed Specifications Settings

LayoutClick to copy 2222

The Content alignment allows you to select the position of the Section Heading: Left or Center.

How to Modify Electro Product Detailed Specifications Settings

Theme SettingsClick to copy 2222

In Theme settings, you’ll see the Metafield namespace. Enter the Metafield namespace in the box provided to set up the specifications.

Note: Any changes made to the Theme settings in this section will affect all related sections in the store.

How to Modify Electro Product Detailed Specifications Settings

How To Configure Detailed Specification BlocksClick to copy 2222

The Detailed Specification section supports two types of blocks: Specifications and File Download. You can add each block type only once to this section.

How to Modify Electro Product Detailed Specifications Settings

Click on a specification to access its settings.

SpecificationsClick to copy 2222

To access the Specifications settings, click on the Specification block. You’ll see the Metafield Keys and Collapse Specifications option.

Metafield Keys are required for the section to show the full content. Enter the Metafield keys in the box, separating multiple keys with commas.

Note: Electro only supports the “One value” metafield type. For more details, check this article about creating custom metafield definitions.

How to Modify Electro Product Detailed Specifications Settings

The Collapse Specifications option determines how the Specifications will be displayed. When turned off, the content will be displayed without the accordion function.

How to Modify Electro Product Detailed Specifications Settings

File downloadClick to copy 2222

Similar to the Specification block, the File Download block allows you to add a metafield key to show dynamic content for each product page. However, this block only supports the File metafield type.

After filling in the metafield key, the download content will be displayed as a button.

How to Modify Electro Product Detailed Specifications Settings

Render ruleClick to copy 2222

All the Keys you’ve set up in Metafield will display here following our Render rule:

Key Rendered label
product_type PRODUCT TYPE
built_in_microphone BUILD IN MICROPHONE

Other content format:

  • Electro supports displaying product specifications, but you need to supply the product metafield namespace.
  • Electro only supports the “One value” metafield type. For more details, check this article about creating custom metafield definitions.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy 2222

1. How can I show the specifications on the section?

To show the metafield content in the Detailed Specifications, fill in the Metafield Namespace in Theme settings > Product information and the Metafield keys in the Specifications block.

2. Can I show multiple metafields in the section?

Yes, you can add multiple metafields to the section by adding their metafield keys to the Specification block, separating them with commas.

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