Countdown banner section

About Blum Countdown Banner SectionClick to copy 2222

Blum Countdown Banner Section is a powerful section for creating urgency and excitement in your online store. By displaying a live countdown to an upcoming sale or event, you can encourage customers to act quickly and take advantage of your offers.

OverviewClick to copy 2222

Recommended General Image Background Size? 2880 x 1200px
Recommended Image Background Size for Mobile View? 750 x 1400px
How do I hide elements?  Leave the field empty.

Access Blum Countdown Banner SectionClick to copy 2222

From any page, please click on ‘Add Section’ on the left side bar, then choose ‘Countdown Banner’.

Blum Countdown Banner Section ConfigurationClick to copy 2222

Edit GeneralClick to copy 2222

Firstly, you can change the color scheme for this section by selecting the scheme here. To change the theme color, please go to Theme settings > Colors.

Then, you can adjust the overlay opacity for the section here.

You can also change the color for mask overlay and content overlay by adding the color code for them:

If you want to use this section as a hero section, you can enable the large heading of the section.

Edit ImageClick to copy 2222

You can add a background image to the section by clicking the Select image button to upload.

This section allows you to select background images for desktop and mobile separately. The recommended sizes are 2880 x 1200 pixels for desktop and 750 x 1400 pixels for mobile.

Edit LayoutClick to copy 2222

There are 4 options for section height on large screen for you to choose:

  • 50% screen height
  • 70% screen height
  • Fill screen height
  • Adapt to image

These options are also available for Section height on phone.

Edit Prominent BadgeClick to copy 2222

The Prominent Badge of this section has the same setting with the Icon With Text section. You can set up these settings for the Prominent badge:

  • Text: You can enter the name on the field
  • Color scheme: Main accent or Extra accent
  • Position: Left or Right
  • Shape: Star, Diamond or Asterisk

Blum Contents Block ConfigurationClick to copy 2222

The Content can have a maximum of 1 block:

Edit TextClick to copy 2222

Firstly, you can set up the content position for the section:

  • Center
  • Left Center
  • Left Bottom


To add content in the Section Subheading, Heading and Description, click on the text box and insert the content. If you want to remove these contents, just delete the text in the text box.

Edit CountdownClick to copy 2222

Time zone of the countdown timer will be taken from your store settings and it can be managed from Shopify admin > Settings > Store details.

You can enable the countdown timer and hide the countdown when it ends here.

You can set up the end date by entering the date on the text box, please remember that the format here is YYYY-MM-DD. If you leave the end date blank, the countdown will end at midnight tonight.

Next, you can set up the end time for the countdown timer. Please remember that the format here is HH:MM(24 hour clock). If you leave it blank, the countdown timer will automatically end at 23:59 PM on the end date.

To show a short end text notification, you can enter the content in the text box. You can also change the color text by adding the color code here.

Edit ButtonClick to copy 2222

You can add a button for this block by adding button text and button link for in the button tab.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy 2222

How many Blum Countdown Contents Block could I add within one Section?Click to copy 2222

Only one, if you wish to add more, please add another Blum Countdown Banner Section, but we do not recommend this action. Lots of Countdown Banners might bring a negative impact to your users; too many timers appearing wouldn’t make sense within one landing page!

Can I hide the countdown when it ends?Click to copy 2222

Yes, tick the box in Blum Countdown Contents Block

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