Address List

About Blum Address List SectionClick to copy 2222

Blum Address List Section a customizable section where a list of addresses or locations is displayed. You can list various addresses associated with your business, stores, or service area. This section can be easily customized to fit your needs.

Recommended Image Size for Blum Address List? 720x480px
Defaulted number of address list section? 4

Access Blum Address List SectionClick to copy 2222

From any page, please click on ‘Add Section’ on the left side bar, then choose ‘Address List’.

Blum Content Address List ConfigurationClick to copy 2222

Edit General OptionClick to copy 2222

Firstly, you can change the color scheme for this section by selecting the scheme here. To change the theme color, please go to Theme settings > Colors.

To add content in the Section Subheading, Heading and Description, click on the text box and insert the content. If you want to remove these contents, simply delete the text in the text box.

Edit Address itemsClick to copy 2222

The Image ratio can be selected from: Square, Portrait (2:3), Landscape (3:2) and Adapt to image.

After that, you can activate the function to display this description in the popup.

Edit LayoutClick to copy 2222

To select items per row on desktop and tablet landscape, you can select 3, 4, 5, or 6 items, each as you want.

For the items per row on tablet portrait, the range is 2, 3, or 4 items

After that, you can select the position to display for the content of the section:

  • Left

  • Center

  • Diagonal

Edit ButtonClick to copy 2222

To add text and link for the button of the section, click on the placeholder and insert the content.

Please note that the button will only show when the Link box is filled.

Edit Prominent BadgeClick to copy 2222

The Prominent Badge of this section has the same setting with the Blum Icon With Text section. You can set up these settings for the Prominent badge:

  • Text: You can enter the name on the field
  • Color scheme: Main accent or Extra accent
  • Position: Left or Right
  • Shape: Star, Diamond or Asterisk

Blum Address List Block ConfigurationClick to copy 2222

By default, the Address list section has 4 Address block items. To add more blocks into the section, click on the Add Address item.

Edit ImageClick to copy 2222

To upload an image for the item, click on the Select Image button. The recommended size is 720x480px.

Edit TextClick to copy 2222

To add content in the Section Subheading, Heading and Description, click on the text box and insert the content. If you want to remove these contents, just delete the text in the text box.

To show the short description of the Address item, check the Show address description in popup. When clicking on the View details button, the full description will be shown in a pop up.

Edit ButtonClick to copy 2222

Click on the Button text to change the text for the Direction button in the Address item. This button only shows when the Google Map link field is inserted. If the Show address description in popup has been turned on, the Direction button will show in the description pop up.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the recommended image sizes for the address list items?

The recommended image size for address list items is 720×480 pixels.

2. Can I add different types of addresses (e.g., home office, warehouse)?

While the section is called “Address List,” you can use it to display any kind of location information. You can customize the text labels and descriptions to suit your needs.

3. How many addresses can I include in the Blum Address List Section?

By default, the section comes with four address blocks, but you can easily add more by clicking the “Add Address Item” button.

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