Featured Product

The Featured Product section is a single-product spotlight designed to capture customer interest and encourage them to explore the product further, potentially leading to purchase. The section emphasizes essential attributes and encourages buyers to learn more, guiding them toward adding the item to their cart.

Featured Product

From any page, please click on ‘Add Section’ on the left side bar, then choose ‘Featured Product’.

Featured Product

GeneralClick to copy 2222

Firstly, you can change the color scheme for this section by selecting the scheme here. To change the theme color, please go to Theme settings > Colors.

Featured Product

Then, you can edit the Section subheading, Section heading, Section description, and change the assigned product.

Featured Product

You can also change or remove the assigned product. Click Change > Choose Change product or Remove product.

Featured Product

MediaClick to copy 2222

This section allows you to choose the Media ratio and Thumbnail ratio.

Featured Product

You can also choose to Show paginations as numbers on mobile or Show media thumbnails on mobile by selecting the corresponding checkboxes.

Featured Product

LayoutClick to copy 2222

There are 2 options for section height for you to choose from:

  • Remove padding top
  • Remove padding bottom

Featured Product

Prominent BadgeClick to copy 2222

The Prominent Badge of this section has the same setting with the Icon With Text section.

You can set up these settings for the Prominent badge:

  • Text: You can enter the name on the field
  • Color scheme: Main accent or Extra accent
  • Position: Left or Right
  • Shape: Star, Diamond or Asterisk

By default, this section has 5 items. To add more items to the section, click on Add collapsible items.

Featured Product

Variant selectorClick to copy 2222

You can set up the stock number for the section:

  • Enable Show stock number: Display stock with number.
  • Disable Show stock number: Basic stock information still shows without stock number.

Featured Product

There are two options for the Selector type, including Button and Dropdown. You can also choose to show variant swatches. For further configuration, you can set up the variant swatches in theme settings.

PriceClick to copy 2222

Featured Product

With the Price item, you can Show sale badge and Show tax and shipping policy.

PurchasingClick to copy 2222

To show the quantity selector, there are three options: After adding the cart once, Always, and Never. This option is set based on how likely your buyers select more than one item at a time to add to cart.

Featured Product

You can also Show dynamic checkout buttons to send customers directly to checkout skipping the cart page.

Featured Product

Extra informationClick to copy 2222

Featured Product

The Accent scheme applies color to the icon. You can also customize the Display style:

  • Horizontal blocks
  • Vertical collapsible

For each item, you can select the Icon source and edit the Heading and Content.

View details buttonClick to copy 2222

The View details button directs customers to the product page. There are 3 styles for the View details button:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Link

Featured Product

Size guideClick to copy 2222

Featured Product

The Size guide displays information about product sizing. You can set up:

  • Heading
  • Content source
  • Selected page
  • Product metafield name
  • Icon: Icon source, Theme library, Custom Image, Custom SVG

Custom liquidClick to copy 2222

You can customize further this section with a custom liquid code.

Custom textClick to copy 2222

Featured Product

Custom text lets you display additional text for your featured product. You can also customize the text style:

  • Body light
  • Body

ShareClick to copy 2222

You can enable the Social sharing option

By default it will have 4 options enabled:

  • Facebook
  • X
  • Pinterest
  • Email

Once the icon in Share clicked, it will automatically open an window that can share the current page on those social media platforms

Featured Product

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy 2222

1. How do I change the featured product?

You can change the featured product by clicking the “Change Product” button within the section’s settings.

2. Can I customize the appearance of the Featured Product section?

Yes, you can customize the color scheme, layout, and font styles using the section’s settings.

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