Video Banner

About Video Banner SectionClick to copy 2222

Video Banner allows you to add a video as a background element in the header or banner section of your online store’s homepage. It can help make your store more visually engaging and dynamic.

How To Access The Video Banner Section?Click to copy 2222

Click on Add Section block > search for Video Banner on the search bar and hit Video Banner

Video Banner Section ConfigurationClick to copy 2222

The settings of the Video Banner section and Video content block are similar to the Image Banner section and Image Content block.

GeneralClick to copy 2222

  • You can change the color scheme for this section by selecting the scheme here. To change the theme color, please go to Theme settings > Colors.

  • Enable large heading to use this section as a hero banner.

  • Enable full-width banner if you want to keep the video full width on any screen. If you disable this, the video width will follow the max width of section that is setup in theme setting.

  • You can also change the color for mask overlay and content overlay by adding the color code for them.

LayoutClick to copy 2222

  • There are 3 options for section height on both large screen and small screen for you to choose: 50% screen height, 70% screen height, Adapt to image
  • Ability to enable ‘Remove padding top‘ and ‘Remove padding bottom‘ option

Prominent BadgeClick to copy 2222

  • Text: You can enter the name on the field
  • Color scheme: Main accent or Extra accent
  • Position: Left or Right
  • Shape: Star, Diamond or Asterisk

  • Link: paste the link to the box so that the video banner is clickable

Instead of selecting an image, you can paste your video link at Video Link or select video from Shopify-hosted video which has been updated in your Shopify store.

In the External video, Blum theme supports Youtube and Vimeo video.

If you use video from the Shopify-hosted video, it will override the External video before.

Video Banner Content Block ConfigurationClick to copy 2222

Please note that the number of blocks can be added in this section is limited to 1 block.

To adjust for the Block content, click on the block and go to the Settings.

In the Content tab, information on the section can be shown at Content position of the section area, which can be changed at the Content Position switcher:

  • Center
  • Left center
  • Lef bottom

After that, You can change the content in the block in the Text tab with Subheading, Heading and Description. If you want to remove the Text part, simply remove the content in the text box.

In the Buttons card, insert the button label name for the Primary and Secondary button to add buttons on the section. Click on the button link to add a direct link for them. If you want to remove one button, just delete the text in the button label.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy 2222

OverviewClick to copy 2222

How many Video Banner Content Blocks could I add to One Blum Video Banner Section? 1
Video Size File (MB) is allowed to upload to Blum Video Banner Section? 1GB

What Is Blum Video Banner Section?Click to copy 2222

Blum Video Banner allows sellers to add a video as a background element in the header or banner section, to make your store more visually engaging and dynamic.

Yes, you can do it by going to settings of the video banner section, and paste a link to the Link setting.

How Do I Add Video To Blum Video Banner Section?Click to copy 2222

By Youtube, Vimeo Link or manual upload

What Are Best Practices Using Video Banner As Hero Banner?Click to copy 2222

The Blum theme already speeds up your page. Using mp4 videos will make it even faster.

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