Text Hotspot

About Shine Theme Text HotspotClick to copy 2222

The Shine Theme Text Hotspot section helps you highlight multiple features and benefits of your products with text in one featured image.

With the Text Hotspot section, you can encourage visitors to explore and learn more about your products.

Access Shine Theme Text HotspotClick to copy 2222

From any page in the Shine Admin Dashboard, click on the Add section button > Search for Text Hotspot > Click on it to add the Text Hotspot section to your page.

Text Hotspot

Shine Theme Text Hotspot ConfigurationClick to copy 2222

To configure the Text Hotspot section, click on the section to access the configuration settings.

Text Hotspot

GeneralClick to copy 2222

Under the Color Scheme, you can choose a specific scheme for the Text Hotspot section. To modify or add a new color scheme, go to Theme Settings > Color.

Text Hotspot

You can apply the content in the slide with Subheading, Heading, and Description. If you want to hide the content, leave the placeholder empty.

Text Hotspot

Note: ​​To highlight the Heading, place them between ‘[‘ and ‘]’ in the heading input field. Example: [Free shipping]

To set up the Heading size, there are 4 variants you can choose from:

  • H2
  • H3
  • H4
  • H5

Text Hotspot

ImageClick to copy 2222

In the Image option, click on the Select image to upload the image for the large screen and mobile screen. Or choose an existing image on the media manager. You can set background images separately for large screens and mobile.

Text Hotspot

  • If you set the background image for the large screen and don’t upload the image for mobile screen, the mobile view will automatically inherit the image of the large screen.
  • If you set the background image only for the mobile screen, the large screen will not inherit the image of the mobile screen.

Large screenClick to copy 2222

The Text Hotspot section offers three Heading position options:

  • Top left

Text Hotspot

  • Top center

Text Hotspot

  • Inline

Text Hotspot

You can change the Section ordering by choosing Text first or Image first.

  • Text first

Text Hotspot

  • Image first

Text Hotspot

Mobile screenClick to copy 2222

Similarly, you can change the Section heading position and Section ordering for smaller screens, such as mobile devices.

Text Hotspot

SpacingClick to copy 2222

The Spacing option will decrease the top/bottom margin of a section, thereby bringing it nearer to the sections above and below it. You can choose to customize the outer spacing of the Text Hotspot section:

  • Remove outer spacing top
  • Remove outer spacing bottom

Text Hotspot

Hotspot dotClick to copy 2222

On the Hotspot dot option, you can change the color for the Background and Icon.

Text Hotspot

Shine Theme Text Hotspot Blocks ConfigurationClick to copy 2222

The Shine theme Text Hotspot section has one main block which is the Feature name. Click on Add Hotspot to add more text hotspots for the featured product image.

Text Hotspot

Please note that you can add a maximum of 3 hotspots to this section.

You can change the position of the hotspot on large screens by adjusting the slider:

  • Top offset
  • Left offset

Text Hotspot

You can also change the position of the hotspot on mobile screens by adjusting the slider:

  • Top offset
  • Left offset

Text Hotspot

Apply content to the text box to add feature names and highlight useful information about your product features.

Text Hotspot

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