Running Content

About Shine Theme Running ContentClick to copy 2222

The Shine Theme Running content section display moving banner with continuous text. This Running content section will make your store more attractive and help customers notice important notifications or sales faster.

Running Content

Access Shine Theme Running contentClick to copy 2222

From any page in the Shine Theme Admin Dashboard, click on the Add section button > Search for Running content > Click on it to add the Running content section to your page.

Running Content

Shine Theme Running content ConfigurationClick to copy 2222

To configure the Running content section, click on the section to access the configuration settings.

Running Content

GeneralClick to copy 2222

Under the Color Scheme, you can choose a specific scheme for the Running content section. To modify or add a new color scheme, go to Theme Settings > Color.

Running Content

There are 4 different speed options for you to choose from:

  • Very slow
  • Slow
  • Normal
  • Fast

Running Content

You can adjust the Moving direction between Right to left and Left to right.

Running Content

You can also Enable pause when hover by clicking on the check box.

Running Content

SpacingClick to copy 2222

The Spacing option will decrease the top/bottom margin of a section, thereby bringing it nearer to the sections above and below it. You can choose to:

  • Remove outer spacing top
  • Remove outer spacing bottom

Running Content

Shin Theme Running Content Blocks ConfigurationClick to copy 2222

The Running Content section has three main blocks: Text, Image, and Icon. To add a new block, click the Add Block button. This will open a menu selection dropdown, where you can choose the desired menu type.

Running Content

To modify an existing block, click on it to open the settings modal.

Please note that you can add to the maximum 10 blocks to this section.

TextClick to copy 2222

You can apply text on the placeholder to display content.

Running Content

You can change the Heading size:

  • Headline
  • H1
  • H2
  • H3
  • H4
  • H5
  • H6
  • Body
  • Subtext

Running Content

Additionally, you can change the color of Text and Text gradient by choosing the color.

Running Content

ImageClick to copy 2222

Click on Select image to upload image or choose from existing image gallery. Choose Change > Select from library, Explore free images, or Remove image to change the image or delete image.

Running Content

You can adjust the Image width on the large screen and mobile screen by dragging the slider.

Running Content

IconClick to copy 2222

You can change the icon for each item from:

  • Theme library

Running Content

  • Custom SVG

Running Content

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