
About Shine Newsletter SectionClick to copy 2222

The Shine Newsletter section is designed to collect email addresses from your visitors, providing a potent tool for cultivating customer relationships and boosting sales.

NewsletterAccess Shine Newsletter Section

From any page, please click on ‘Add Section’ on the left side bar, then choose ‘Newsletter’.


Shine Newsletter Section ConfigurationClick to copy 2222

Shine Newsletter section has several settings that can be adjusted. These include:

GeneralClick to copy 2222

You can change the color scheme for this section by selecting the scheme here. To change the theme color, please go to Theme settings > Colors.


Then, you can input content for this section, including a Section subheading, heading, and a section description.

Note: ​​To highlight the Heading, place them between ‘[‘ and ‘]’ in the heading input field. Example: [Free shipping], please kindly follow the details here. You can also change the heading size by selecting: H2, H3, H4 or H5.


To change the button text, you just need to enter the content on the button text field here:


ImageClick to copy 2222

To add an image to the section, click the Select image button. This will open the media manager. You can drag and drop your image into the media manager, or select it if it is already uploaded.


Large ScreenClick to copy 2222

On this part, you can select to display text first or image first on the large screen like desktop, laptop.


Mobile ScreenClick to copy 2222

This is the same with the large screen settings, you can select to display text first or image first on the mobile screen.


SpacingClick to copy 2222

You have the option to activate ‘Remove Outer Spacing Top‘ and ‘Remove Outer Spacing Bottom‘. These settings will decrease the top/bottom margin of a section, thereby bringing it nearer to the sections above and below it.


ButtonClick to copy 2222

You can customize the button’s content by entering text in the label field and selecting its style. There are three styles available for you to choose from: filled, outlined, and text link.


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