Customer Reviews

About Customer Reviews SectionClick to copy 2222

The Shine Customer Reviews section is crucial for providing prospective buyers with real user experiences and opinions, helping them make informed purchasing decisions. It often includes ratings, written reviews, and sometimes even customer photos, contributing to the transparency and credibility of the online store.

Access Customer Review SectionClick to copy 2222

From any page, please click on ‘Add Section’ on the left side bar, then choose ‘Customer Reviews’.

Customer Reviews Section

Customer Reviews Section ConfigurationClick to copy 2222

Customer reviews section has several settings that can be adjusted. These include:

GeneralClick to copy 2222

You can change the color scheme for this section by selecting the scheme here. To change the theme color, please go to Theme settings > Colors.

Customer Reviews Section

Then, you can input content for this section, including a Section subheading, heading, and a section description.

Note: ​​To highlight the Heading, place them between ‘[‘ and ‘]’ in the heading input field. Example: [Free shipping], please kindly follow the details here. You can also change the heading size by selecting: H2, H3, H4 or H5.

Customer ReviewsTo adjust the speed of the review section, there are 4 options available: very slow, slow, normal, and fast. Additionally, you can choose from two movement directions: from right to left or from left to right. To show the play/pause button, you just need to click on the check box:

Customer Reviews

Customer Review ItemClick to copy 2222

You can select two font types for content: body and heading, and two text sizes: regular and large:

Customer Reviews

If you enable the item background, it will appear as a border around the customer review item.

Customer Reviews

After that, you can select the background and content color for the customer review item by click on the background/content text to add or change the color code or select the existed color scheme:

Customer Reviews

If you want to show star rating, please select the check box, then adjust the color for stars by change the color on the settings:

Customer Reviews

Large ScreenClick to copy 2222

On this part, you can select the heading position on the left or center on the large screen like desktop, laptop.

Customer Reviews

Mobile ScreenClick to copy 2222

This is the same with the large screen settings, you can select the heading position on the left or center on the mobile screen.

Customer Reviews

SpacingClick to copy 2222

You have the option to activate ‘Remove Outer Spacing Top’ and ‘Remove Outer Spacing Bottom.’ These settings will decrease the top/bottom margin of a section, thereby bringing it nearer to the sections above and below it.

Customer Reviews

Add Review BlockClick to copy 2222

To add review blocks, click the Add review icon here:

Customer Reviews

Review BlockClick to copy 2222

To add the avatar to this block, click the Select image button. This will open the media manager. You can drag and drop your image into the media manager, or select it if it is already uploaded.

Customer Reviews

Then, you can change the number of star ratings to show by sliding the bar to the desired number. Additionally, you can update the Author, Author’s title, and Review content by typing the new information into the respective fields.

Customer Reviews

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