Blog Post Details

About Shine Theme Blog Post DetailsClick to copy 2222

By default, Shine Theme Blog Post Details consists of 1 section: Blog Post Details. This section cannot be removed, and can only be hidden on the Blog Post template.

Aside from this section, you can add or remove any other sections on the Blog Post template.

Access Shine Theme Blog Post Details TemplateClick to copy 2222

On the top center bar, click on the dropdown button > Blogs post.

Blog Post Details

Shine Theme Blog Post Details Section ConfigurationClick to copy 2222

The Shine Theme Blog Post Details section has 3 default blocks: Featured Image, Blog Title, and Content. Each block can only be used 1 time on the same section. If 1 element has been added, you cannot add more elements from the same type.

Blog Post Details

To change the blog post, click Change > Choose blog post > Hit Select.

Blog Post Details

GeneralClick to copy 2222

You can change the color scheme for this section by selecting the scheme here. To change the theme color, please go to Theme settings > Colors.

Blog Post Details

SpacingClick to copy 2222

You can choose to customize the outer spacing top/bottom of the Blog Post Details section. These settings will decrease the top/bottom margin of a section, thereby bringing it nearer to the sections above and below it:

  • Remove outer spacing top
  • Remove outer spacing bottom

Blog Post Details

Shine Theme Blog Post Details Blocks ConfigurationClick to copy 2222

To customize each block in the Blog Post section, click on the block you want to edit.

The featured image is To change the Featured image, edit blog post on Shopify Admin.

Blog Post Details

Blog TitleClick to copy 2222

On the Blog title option, you can change the Heading size:

  • Headline
  • H1
  • H2
  • H3
  • H4
  • H5
  • H6

Blog Post Details

You can also choose to show or hide the Author and Published date.

Blog Post Details

Note: When you share a blog post link on social media, the page’s featured image will be shown as the preview image. The Page title and description are shown with the preview image by default. Check out the articles about Social media thumbnail image and Keywords for more details.

ContentClick to copy 2222

By default, the Content block includes Texts, Tags, and Navigation:

  • Texts: You can adjust the Body base size between 18px and 22px.
  • Tags: If the tags exceed the container, it will break into new lines. Select each tag filter to display articles containing that tag.
  • Navigation – Previous and Next: It shows only if users have more than one blog post.

Blog Post Details

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