Logo List

About Normcore Logo List SectionClick to copy 2222

The Normcore Logo List section is a great way to showcase the logos of your partners, brands, or designers. You can use it on your homepage, product pages, or any other page of your website.

running logo list section

How to Access Logo List SectionClick to copy 2222

  1. On any page type, click the “Add section” button
  2. Search for “Logo list
  3. Select it to add the section to your page

How to Configure Logo List SectionClick to copy 2222

By choosing Logo List section on the left side, you can set up the style for this section.

GeneralClick to copy 2222

In the General tab, you can:

  • Change the color for the content or background section in  Color Scheme.
  • Add a heading, change its size, and include a description for the section.

Display methodClick to copy 2222

  • For the display method, the “Running content” feature can be enabled or disabled.
    • Running direction
    • Rotating speed
    • List alignment

Logo itemClick to copy 2222

Customize the overall size of all logos in the Logo List section here.

ButtonClick to copy 2222

Add a button and set a link to redirect users to the desired page. If you don’t need the button, just remove the button label.

How to Configure Logo Image BlockClick to copy 2222

Inside the Logo List section, you can add or remove many Logo image blocks. By choosing each block, you can set up the images and insert links for them.

Common Cases and FAQsClick to copy 2222

1. What is the Logo List section used for?
The Logo List section allows you to display logos of your partners, brands, or designers on your Shopify store.

2. Can I customize the appearance of the Logo List section?
Yes, you can customize the color scheme of the Logo List section to match your store’s design.

3. What tips should I know to make the Logo List look better?
Ensure all logos are in the same size and style, so it appear nicer once you’ve uploaded them to the web.

4. How to show the description below the heading?
You can add this code below to the custom CSS box to make it

.section__text-text.hide-empty {
 flex-direction: column;
 align-items: flex-start;

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